Blog entries tagged with "trains"
Sunday, July 22nd, 2007 at 02:51pm
This morning the first electric train ran out along the newly electrified line to Craigieburn. Hopefully this means that they are on schedule to start running in October.
Why is this significant? Because it is a thin excuse to catch a train to Craigieburn and then ride back down along the Craigieburn Bypass of the Hume Freeway to the ring road:

Where to after I get back to the ring road is still to be answered (maybe further north beyond Epping). But this is a starting point that includes a section of path I have yet to cover.
Tagged with: cycling, trains
Sunday, March 12th, 2006 at 03:34pm
For the second Sunday in a row I have gone for a bike ride, something I would have been less inclined to do if I had to pay the regular price for a train ticket.
Last week Damien and I caught the first train (at 7:30AM) from Glen Waverley in order to get to Laverton by 9:00AM. We then rode around the bay through Altona, Williamstown, Port Melbourne and Elwood to get to Brighton where we jumped back on the train to get home. On any other day of the week we would have had to purchase a Zone 1+2 daily full fare ticket at a cost of AU$9.70 each. However we only paid AU$2.50 each for a Sunday Saver which allows travel over all three zones for the entire day.
This morning I rode up along the Dandenong Creek to Bayswater where I caught the train into East Camberwell. From there I rode down the lower section of the old outer circle and then back home along the Glen Waverley train line. For my single trip from Bayswater to East Camberwell I would have had to have spend AU$7.20 on a Zone 1+2+3 two hour full fare ticket. Again I was spared this by getting another Sunday Saver.
My current plan is to go for a ride every Sunday morning which will be much more interesting if I include a train journey…
Tagged with: cycling, trains
Friday, March 18th, 2005 at 10:21pm
In an unprecedented move I somehow found the time this week to organise the photos that I took last Sunday around Springvale and Westall Stations. There are even descriptions this time.
I should end up with more photos to organise tomorrow as this weekend they are closing the interstection of Springvale Road and Burwood Highway for construction related to the tram extension to Vermont South. The plan is to stop by with a camera on my way back from golf…
Tagged with: photos, trains
Tuesday, March 15th, 2005 at 10:29pm
Tonight I finally got around to sorting through the photos that I took back in February when the QE2 stopped by Melbourne. The final selection has been processed and uploaded for your perusal.
At some point in the future I will enter descriptions for the photos but that may be not for some time given that I have another large collection of photos that I took the other day of the rail infrastructure (sidings, yards, etc) around Springvale and Westall stations…
Tagged with: photos, trains
Saturday, February 12th, 2005 at 01:07pm
This morning I got up at the disgustingly early hour of 6AM in order to drive in to Station Pier to watch the arrival of the QE2.
After taking a number of photos of the QE2 being turned around to dock against the west side of the pier there wasn’t much to see so we decided to take advantage of the time to have a look around Port Melbourne and Fishermens bend. This produced photos of the old Webb Dock rail line, the underside of the West Gate Bridge and even of a container ship heading out and a tug boat heading back up the Yarra River.
Since we still had plenty of time before either of us had to be back we went over to Spencer Street Station to have a look and unlike my previous visits to take photos we actually went through the V/Line section of the station to take photos.
Hopefully I can find some time to sort through and upload all of these photos by the end of the weekend…
Tagged with: photos, trains
Wednesday, February 9th, 2005 at 10:45pm
On my way home from Melbourne Perl Mongers tonight I remembered too late that trains would not be running through the loop after 10PM due to the construction at Spencer Street Station. How late? It was after walking almost a kilometre from where we had dinner to the station at Melbourne Central. I then waited around fifteen minutes for the next tram to take me to Flinders Street where I then waited another thirty minutes for the correct train.
Luckily this is the only regular event each month that I use public transport to get home from the city. In fact it is pretty much the only time that I go into the city at all…
One other note is that the way in Alfie and I detoured via Station Pier to take a couple of photos of the Sapphire Princess.
Tagged with:, trains
Monday, August 2nd, 2004 at 12:55am
I’ve just spent another few hours browsing through Vicsig looking at the various photos and information. I first came across it a few weeks ago while trying to find some information on the city loop after travelling home via it from the July Melbourne Perl Mongers meeting.
Alas there isn’t much information about the loop but I have discovered why, back when Tim and I travelled into the city to see Damian give his Perl 6 in a Nutshell talk, there was a bus service from Glen Waverley Station to Darling Station instead of the train. It is because Darling Station is the next set of points from Glen Waverley and they are only used for emergency or special use. So there must have been some work being done on the line…
For a while now I’ve been thinking about going for rides where one of the main points is to go to places where I can take photos of things like the entrances to the City Loop…
Tagged with: trains