Posters and frames

Sunday, May 10th, 2009 at 05:35pm

For many many years the first sight when entering my computer room was a frame containing sixteen Wallace and Gromit postcards in a grid. Today I replaced it with two smaller frames:

IIe or IIc: That is the question

This is an old Apple poster that I have had for quite some time. As I had two smaller frames that I could reuse and I have two of these posters, I decided to split the poster down the middle.

Why is it now that I finally got around to doing this? Because earlier in the week there was a poster sale on campus.

With the intention of getting some new posters I first had to work out what posters I had, and I found that I had more than I thought, most of them for some time. In the case of the Wallace and Gromit posters that time is more than a decade for some and just under a decade for others.

Despite this I ended up buying some more. I got two from the poster sale (one being for Blue Harvest), ordered two online from the same company that ran the poster sale, and then ordered two more from the UK.

Once they all arrive I will have to work out which ones and where to hang them. This will also included determining if any of my unused frames – some bought new, others saved from being thrown out (if you looked at the back of the frames I used above you would see ballet shoes) – are appropriate.

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