Melbourne Photo Walk this Sunday

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009 at 11:20pm

This Sunday there will be a photo walk around Docklands. The current forecast indicates it will be a bit hot, but I am probably going to go along.

Thanks to Wes for the heads up.

(this is a post that probably could just been on twitter/

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2 Responses to “Melbourne Photo Walk this Sunday”

  1. Haha you should start tagging Twitter candidate posts and see how many you end up making. I don’t think I’ll make the walk on Sunday. It’s my brothers 21st up at Riddell on Sat night.

    PS you need an iphone theme for your site to make commenting easier for me :-) I can recommend WPTouch.

    Wes - February 18th, 2009 at 6:44 pm

  2. I am likely to have found some time by the end of the week to create twitter/ accounts, so tagging posts as candidates is probably not much benefit.

    If I go, I guarantee that I will be posting about the photo walk. Hoplefully that night.

    I’ll condider an iPhone theme…

    Stephen - February 18th, 2009 at 11:38 pm