Is everything I know about CSS wrong?

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008 at 07:52pm

I don’t know that much about CSS anyway, but I now have a book to tell me.

This was a door prize at Monday’s Web Standards Group meeting where I listened to how the website for the Premier of Victoria was redone to better engage with users through the use of the open source CMS Joomla and the tie in with services such as Flickr and YouTube.

As usual I was also taking photos. However as there were so many people the talks were not held in the back room where my 28mm lens works quite nicely, they were held in the main room and the lens struggled. The April meeting was also in the main room and the 50mm f/1.8 lens I borrowed worked quite well. Especially across the room to where the speakers were.

I’ll be keeping an eye out on eBay for a 50mm lens. In order of preference: the f/1.4, an original f/1.8 and then the II f/1.8.

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2 Responses to “Is everything I know about CSS wrong?”

  1. So the book makes you question your CSS knowlege?

    You want a 50mm as well as the 28 eh. It would be nice to have the choice of both sometimes. Is there a zoom lens that you could consider instead, or are you talking “white” (don’t know the model number) lenses for something comparable.

    Wes - November 24th, 2008 at 8:16 am

  2. The book has raised the question. Now I need to read it to find out…

    I have some Canon PDFs that detail all of their lenses, but the Wikipedia article is easier to access:

    The fastest zoom Canon make is an f/2.8 and to cover both 28mm and 50mm I would need to get something like the 24-70mm or 28-70mm. Both are L lenses and are way beyond the price of separate lenses (AU$1,800 on eBay).

    Stephen - November 24th, 2008 at 9:07 am