Blog entries tagged with "youtube"

What I now watch on YouTube

Tuesday, December 24th, 2024 at 06:11pm

Every year or so I try to go through my Youtube RSS subscriptions to confirm if I still want each one. The last time I listed out the channels was six years ago and there were about 60 in the list, while now there are over 150…

With the increase in number I have also noticed that my viewing style has changed, while there are some channels where I will watch every video, there are a lot of channels where I will skip over some videos or skip through others. It is when I skip over every video that I remove it from my RSS subscriptions.

I could just dump out a list of all the current channels, I saw that there were a couple of themes, which I will list based on number of channels.

The first theme was vehicles which can vary from channels that get abandoned equipment running, recovering stuck vehicles, restoring old vehicles, building vehicles to race, converting some to electric to just showing historical oddities:

The next theme is construction and renovation, this one ranges from the use of heavy equipment to DIY renovation of an old house to the cutting of grass:

Moving to a smaller scale (but sometimes not) are making and fabrication channels. Some of these can be very crafty, while others are fabricating at a scale that overlaps with the vehicles and construction channels:

Moving away from hands on projects are the channels that explain things, from historical events and places, to every day technology, to new concepts:

A sub category of explaining how things work is that of showing and working on vintage tech. Some isn’t that vintage but it is all significant in some way or another:

Earlier I listed channels that explained things, this next theme also explains things but in a longer form. Some of them go significantly more in-depth with their research, while others are a bit more topical with their research into current/changing topics and issues:

If the above automotive and excavation channels seem out of place, then you are surprised as I was to be following a number of farming channels, though I have been following them long enough to skip over a lot of the repeated farming specific things, it is the related infrastructure type projects they do that keep me watching:

If it isn’t clear that some of these themes have a huge overlap, then these transport channels could have all been listed with the explainer channels:

While I don’t watch movies as often as I used to, I am still interested in the effects and how adaptations have been approached:

One of my favourite TV shows of all times is Good Eats due to how Alton Brown would explain the science behind the recipes, so of of course we have Alton and a couple of other food related channels:

I keep a vague eye on current tech through a handful of tech channels, though like with the farming channels I am more drawn to their infrastructure side projects:

Based on how many comedy podcasts I listen to and how much I try to go to live comedy I am surprised this theme isn’t bigger, but the other way to thing about it is that these channels are Melbourne based and feature people that I already follow and support:

I am now at a point where the possible themes for grouping channels is getting down to a single channel, so here are the remaining few channels:

This is quite a long list, but as I said at the start I no longer watch every video from these channels. I wonder how things will be next time I make a list like this…

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What is the algorithm doing to us?

Monday, January 24th, 2022 at 06:03pm

Every six months or so I try to go through the list of YouTube channels that I follow (via RSS feeds as notifications are broken) and trim out the ones I no longer watch. Sometimes I stop watching because I am no longer interested in the subject matter, but most of the time it has been because the style of the channel has changed.

What I have come to realise is that I am interested in how things are done, I want to see incremental progress and things behind the scenes, it doesn’t matter if I will never be directly involved in that thing. The first example that comes to mind is Project Binky which has been going for eight years and is still not done. Another example I used to give was the television show The Block, when I last watched it I only watched the one episode each week there they showed actual work being done, I would skip over the challenges, judging and other drama. Although not as good as it once was, I still keep up with This Old House as you get to see the renovation. Another YouTube example is Linus Tech Tips where I skip over the product reviews and gaming performance testing, but the recent linux challenge (including the reactions from other linux youtubers) and new house videos I do watch.

When the videos become too produced and showy, not showing the real work involved in making the thing (often ignoring that the thing needed help from lots of other people), that is what makes me stop watching. I often don’t care about the final product, I want to see the progress. There is one channel that I used to follow that now just seems to be about the stunt of the project, it involves glitter so you should be able to figure out which one I mean…

I am even interested in the videos that are talking about YouTube and there have been a couple recently that have stuck with me so I am going to embed them here:

First is this video from Veritasium about clickbait, titles and thumbnails:

I try to avoid following the YouTube suggestions, but I think that is how I got from one video about youtube thumbnails to another:

It turns out that Jazza is a fellow Victorian and this is a case where the subject (art) isn’t something I would be drawn towards, but the way he shows the process is what has kept me interested. It doesn’t hurt that they recently moved to a new studio and showed the progress. There is another particular pair of videos, but I will get back to that.

Another channel I have followed for a long time is SmarterEveryDay who keeps putting out great videos, there have been a couple of things I haven’t been that comfortable with, but being able to see that much of a nuclear submarine was worth it. A specific video that ties into my current thinking is about finding your voice and how much do you let external factors change what you do:

A topic that I don’t think I would have predicted I would be watching is excavating. I doubt I will ever be involved in building a dam with an excavator and bulldozer, but I will gladly watch video of someone showing how it is done. Once such channel is Dirt Perfect where the videos are a mix of the excavating projects as well as working on the equipment. (I hope Lieutenant Dan doesn’t take as long as Binky.) How this is relevant is that Mike (aka Dirt Perfect) has a number of times talked about how he is running an excavating business first, with YouTube being a hobby. Ending up with a successful channel has given opportunities that he wouldn’t otherwise have had, but he is showing who he is and what he does, he will not change to do what YouTube wants him to do.

On a recent episode of his (irregular) podcast he covers this, even mentioning another channel that I also stopped watching for largely the same reasons in that I want to watch someone build a retaining wall or put down pavers, I’m not interested in product reviews.

There are a couple of other videos or posts that touch on this theme, but I haven’t kept good enough track of them in order to also link them here, so let’s get back to what I mentioned earlier with Jazza and why I am making this post today.

Three months ago Jazza put up a video about an art Youtuber called ZHC:

I had never heard of ZHC and if I had come across any of their recent videos I would have dismissed them as stunts with no substance. However it was fascinating watching Jazza put in the effort to watch all of ZHC’s videos and then give a measured analysis. It looked like a clear case of someone that had started out with a skill, but then started chasing the clicks and the money.

Today is when Jazza posted part 2:

It is fascinating to watch and no matter what you think of ZHC as an individual, the trend is that the systems of our society are not just enabling this behaviour but rewarding it. Of course this is not new with YouTube, this is just one of its recent forms.

So what to do? I don’t know… There are good YouTube channels, there are good people on Twitter and there are even good groups to join on Facebook, but how long until the few good things are completely overwhelmed by the bad?

(and I know that a youtuber shifting to follow the algorithm is quite mild compared to the things being produced by content farms…)

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Consuming content on YouTube

Sunday, December 29th, 2019 at 10:44am

As with my updated list of podcasts, I thought I would do the same for the YouTube channels I watch as they are my other main method of consuming content.




Whenever I look at this list I am surprised by how many there are, and then I am surprised by how many are outside my normal interests such as cars, farming and building.

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Watching YouTube videos

Saturday, February 18th, 2017 at 08:43pm

For a long time I didn’t like most YouTube videos, often I would be directed (from a blog, twitter, etc post) to a YouTube video. Sometimes they would be good, but what I remember most was being annoyed by a video that took minutes to show or say something that could be explained in a single paragraph or image.

But the quality improved and I started to notice that there were a few creators whose videos I enjoyed. When I ended up at one of theirs I would find myself also watching other videos that they had made.

My first attempt at getting notifications about new videos was to subscribe to the channels to get the email notifications. This didn’t work so well as I was either not notified about a new video, or would be notified days after it was released. It also didn’t help that there were some creators where I was only interested in some of their videos, not all of them.

I remembered that there was some form of RSS feed and the first information I found was about an RSS feed of the videos in the channels that you are subscribed to. But this had since been discontinued and also would have given more videos than I wanted.

I then looked at what RSS feeds were still available and after some digging I found that you could target a user, a channel or a specific playlist:


This is exactly what I was looking for as I could add these to my rss2email config with new gmail filters. I do also subscribe to the user/channel via YouTube as a small way of indicating my support.

So what are the videos I have found myself watching? These ones:

Like the sites I follow via RSS feeds I expect this list to grow over time. And looking back at that post I should post an updated list of feeds and also grab anything I want from Delicious as I haven’t used it in a long time and I don’t know what will happen to it…

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Oh, the CRTs

Sunday, October 9th, 2011 at 12:00pm

Part of the MR LAN site that I made available yesterday was timelapse videos of three events. These three videos are now up on YouTube so a greater audience can bask in a room full of CRT monitors:

Our first big event

Watch on YouTube

MR LAN – Evento Cinque

Watch on YouTube

MR LAN – Evento Quattro

Watch on YouTube

These videos were made by having a computer control a digital camera to take a photo every minute. To make the videos suitable for the internet of ten years ago I reduced it down to 240 pixels, but I am going to see if I can find the original images as I could then regenerate it in high def.

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Commute videos

Friday, October 17th, 2008 at 10:33pm

Yesterday I was fiddling with the PowerShot A430, the second secondhand camera I got, and for some reason decided to look up how long it could record video for. Unlike other cameras I have used, such as the S45, which have a time limit of a couple of minutes this camera will keep recording until the output file reaches 1GB.

When set to 640×480 it says that it can fit 47 minutes on the 2GB card. To say it another way: 33 minutes per video. That’s enough to record my commute so before I left home this morning I mounted the camera to my bike. and they have just finished uploading to YouTube

The ride to work:

The ride home:

I only started using that route home a week ago and it is the shortest yet. Not to mention that there isn’t a single traffic light and I avoid a couple of dodgy bits caused by riding on the footpath up Blackburn Road.

Here it is in map form:

Monash Uni to Glen Waverley (October 2008)

The file from the camera is 640×480 at 10 fps and around 800MB for each 20 minute ride. Converting to Xvid at average settings dropped that to around 140MB. To fit under YouTube’s 10 minute limit I sped it up 3x, which also makes it a bit more interesting. Also to make it easier to upload I reduced it to 352×288 to get a much smaller file. I also removed the audio as there was lots of wind and other noises.

While recording video worked well, it’s not an option for longer rides. For those I still want the camera to automatically take a full resolution photo at frequent intervals.

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