Square pilings

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 at 09:01pm

For the April competition at the camera club I submitted this image of the old pilings at Princes Pier as an EDI:


The judge did award this a merit, but after seeing it as a square thumbnail, I tried changing the crop to square:

Piled (square crop)

I much prefer this version of the image and I wish I had submitted it this way. As I am planning to enter images into the Warrigal National this year, I will submit it to that (and the Pakenham National) as the square version.

On the other hand I am happy with my other images I submitted for the monthly competition. The two prints were both from a road trip up to the Snowy Mountains and are both photos of the road:


Down the middle (cropped)

My other EDI entry was from another recent road trip, specifically Wreck Beack on the Great Ocean Road. To shoot the sunset from the beach you do need to climb back up three hunderd and sixty six steps.


By the way, expect to continue to see a number of road trip sourced photos, because that has been where I have actually been taking photos…

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