Many more images

Monday, March 28th, 2011 at 10:44pm

On Saturday I sorted through my photos to ensure they were all correctly geotagged (almost exclusively based on the GPS track) and split them up into location based folders. Tonight I started running through the photos with the intention to pick a few to upload to Flickr.

I ended up chosing 91 images.

That is 91 images in addition to the 39 images I had uploaded throughout the trip. I have a couple more I might upload, plus a number of panoramas still to stitch and then review.

There are too many images to link to and describe individually, so just go to the Flickr set: Road Trip 2011 – Melbourne to Perth and back.

Road Trip 2011 - Melbourne to Perth and back

Originally I wanted to link to (or find a way to embed) the map of the Flickr set, but that view does not show all of the images on the map at the same time.

However, there is a solution in the form of Flickr Photo Set to KML which will generate a KML file of the entire set. My plan is to then add each day’s GPS track to the KML and make it available, embedding it in a blog post using Google Maps.

Give me a few days for that.

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One Response to “Many more images”

  1. Fantastic work Stephen. Your photos are sensational. I was talking about how you’d “live blogged” your trip to my parents the other day and think I convinced them to do something similar on the 6 month trip trought central and western Australia that they are setting off on in May.

    Wes - March 30th, 2011 at 10:25 am