Getting closer to home
Friday, March 18th, 2011 at 08:39pm
We are now a day or two (because it is still not set in stone when we will arrive back) past the mid point of this trip. Today, by leaving Perth, we have started heading in a homeward direction. Of course we started the day by heading from our motel near the Perth CBD out to Cotteslow and north to Scarborough before looping around the top of the city to get to the Great Eastern Highway. But we still couldn’t head directly to Hyden with our path meandering a bit. Towns on the way including Northam, York, Beverley and Brookton before getting on the road that actually leads to Hyden.
After passing through Corrigin with its Dog Cemetery and world records relating to number of utes with dogs in them, we arrived in Hyden in the late afternoon. Checking into the motel brought back memories as the rooms are virtually identical to what I remember from 18 years ago. The television would have been CRT not LCD and the lights would have been incandescent instead of compact flourescent.
As the afternoon light developed we headed over to Wave Rock for photos of the wave section, the Hippo’s Yawn and the area in general. While the rock was how I remembered it, the carpark and other facilities were significantly developed since I was last here, I suspect the plaque saying that a politician opened something in 2005 has a thing or two to do with that.
Our initial plan was to go cheap and to cook some of the food we have been carrying with us, instead we were drawn in by the novelty of a resaurant where you chose your meat and then cooked it yourself. Like a barbeque, but not.
Tomorrow we are off to Kalgoorlie via the Emu Fence Road to Marvel Loch and Southern Cross where we will rejoin the Great Eastern Highway to Kalgoorlie. We have two nights in Kalgoorlie, a bit of a stuffup as the full day is a Sunday, the one day of the week that the two and a half hour Super Pit tour does not run. So we have that booking in for Monday morning, from which we will immediately head for Norseman and through to Balladonia which is where we left the Eyre Highway six days ago.
Tagged with: road trip