From the backlog: Blue Lotus Water Garden
Friday, April 23rd, 2010 at 09:59pm
On the first Sunday of 2010 the Waverley Camera Club went on an outing to the Blue Lotus Water Garden in Yarra Junction. I have lost track of how many photos I took on the day, but I have completed processing them down to 34 images.
Obviously most of them are of flowers. Solitary…
…in groups…
…as a bud…
…or somewhere in between.
There were also some bridges of interest…
Two of the images are HDR, the one above for example, but for the others I first cropped, tweaked levels to increase contrast (a lot of tweaking for a couple of the images) and finally added a slight vignette.
All can be viewed in their Flickr set.
Tagged with: photos, waverley camera club