I don’t shoot in monochrome …
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 at 11:06pm
… so finding entries for a ‘monochrome’ topic meant I needed to find suitable photos to desaturate.
After lots of experimenting I ended up with four images that I submitted last month, one of which was awarded a merit tonight:
This is a photo from the club outing to the Blue Lotus Water Garden earlier in the year. The flowers were originally pink/white and after converting to greyscale I spent a lot of time removing distracting spot from the leaves. It turned out to be worth it.
My other printed image was of the cooling towers at Loy Yang Power Station, also earlier in the year:
By changing the greyscale mix I was able to increase the contrast on the towers, as well as making the bright blue sky quite ominous.
I also spent a large amount of time fiddling with one of my images of the Murray 1 hydro power station to get:
My final image was taken by combining a Lego Technic figure, a seamless white background and a flash:
Tagged with: photos, waverley camera club