Blog entries from November, 2009

WSG photos from February, May and July

Monday, November 9th, 2009 at 10:35pm

Tonight I finally got around to sorting through the photos I took at the past three Web Standards Group meeetings:

These photos are a mixture of the presenters:


the hosts:


the attendees:


and some food:


Now the question is: when is the next meeting?

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Bumped up to A grade

Thursday, November 5th, 2009 at 09:52pm

For the camera club competitions next year I will no longer in B grade, as my results from a few days ago bumped me up to A grade.

A print of this HDR image from the club outing to Montsalvat received a highly commended:

Time for a swim

This image is the result of running the bracketed exposures through Photomatix with the default settings. I was quite pleased with how it came out, even though the colours are slightly oversaturated compared to what would be seen in real light.

In addition this image from the club outing to Puffing Billy received a merit:


I played around with this image for quite a long time until I tried it as black and white. It was then a straightforward matter of adjusting the levels to increase the contrast to arrive at the image above.

My remaining images recieved a mix of positive and negative comments. Starting with this heavily processed HDR image from the club outing to Hanging Rock (I have yet to complete sorting the remainder of the photos from tha day):

After the storm

And this image from Melbourne Photo Walk #3:

Flagpoles in the forecourt

This was the last of the monthly competitions for the year, as next month is the end of year competition which is composed of images that had been entered in the monthly competitions. As I didn’t have any monochrome prints, I entered three prints and there digitial. I shall find out about those in December.

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More Apples on eBay

Monday, November 2nd, 2009 at 09:36pm

Tonight, to continue the downsizing of my computer collection, I listed some more items on eBay:

Hopefully they end up in a good home. Because if I still have them at the end of the year, they will be off to be recycled.