Too many options
Thursday, December 21st, 2006 at 07:42pm
Today marked the end of yet another working year and for another year running we spent the afternoon at the South Oakleigh Bowling Club for lawn bowls and a barbecue. It was interesting to note that only a handful of people actually played bowls, the remainder did other activities.
So what were the other options?
- Wii Sports on Ben’s Nintento Wii
- Arcade games on Andrew’s MAME setup with his X-Arcade controller
- Chess, which included the final of a tournament that started a week ago
- Talking, etc
One contributing factor against the lawn bowls was that it was the only activity that was outside in the 35°C heat instead of inside with air-conditioning.
The point I am trying to make is that when there are multiple options people will take them which is not necessarily compatible with doing things as a group.
Tagged with: work