Damian on dead languages
Wednesday, September 14th, 2005 at 11:43pm
At perl mongers tonight Damian gave a talk on dead languages with the following examples:
- An implementation of the game of life in Lisp where the field was implemented as a list that wrapped around to form a toriod;
- How to calculate Pi in postscript using the Buffon’s needle technique;
- Declaratively representing a finite state machine that can calculate the price of fish in C++;
- How SPECS, an attempt to improve the syntax of C++, failed miserably once they decided to use ‘:=’ (colon equals) for assignments;
- and finally the development of Lingua::Romana::Perligata which allows perl programs to be written in Latin.
This was the largest attendance at a perl mongers that I have ever seen with some people missing out on a seat…
Tagged with: damian conway, melb.pm