Uninstalling a reliable program

Saturday, December 28th, 2024 at 03:41pm

For a long time I have had a TV tuner in one of my computers so that I could record broadcast television to watch later. To handle the scheduling and recording I have been using a Java based program called DV Scheduler. I don’t recall if I ever knew the name of who wrote it, just that it was on a personal page of someone that worked/studied at the University of Sydney.

Today I uninstalled the program and removed the TV tuner from my computer. Not because of any problems I was having with it, but because it has been a full year since I have watched anything that it recorded.

As my recent lists of youtube channels and podcasts indirectly reveal, there is very little on broadcast television that I watch. When there are shows that I do want to watch I have been “watching” them on the relevant station’s “catch up” service.

I have a bit of regret in uninstalling DV Scheduler as it has been such a reliable program. Looking back I found that I first gave it a try fourteen years ago. I don’t know when it’s website was removed but the most recent capture of its website in the wayback machine is from 2016.

Oh well, time marches on…

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