…with a photographer

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011 at 11:18pm

Ever since the topics were set for this year’s monthly competitions at the camera club, I have tried to keep them in mind when out shooting photos, in particular during the road trip earlier in the year.

The topic for July, judged last night, was “Landscape with a photographer” which was the incorporation of a photographer, in the act of taking a photo, within your landscape. Two of my four entries were from the road trip, but I am pleased to say that all four entries received an award.

Assembled using Hugin from 14 images and then printed as large as possible on A3+ paper was this image of Lucky Bay in Cape Le Grand National Park:

Lucky Bay, Cape Le Grand (beach level)

I am glad that the person walking along the beach had a camera and was using it because it was awarded highly commended and image of the month for A grade prints.

My second image from the road trip was as a digital entry and was taken from the top of Bluff Knoll, looking west along the Stirling Ranges.

The Stirling Ranges

This was also awarded a highly commended.

My other digital entry was a panorama taken from Burke’s Lookout in the Dandenong Ranges, the photographer may look familiar:

Towards the city

This recieved a merit.

My final image was a print and is my favourite, primarily because it features the newest addition to my camera bag, Lego 7567 Traveller:

From the hide

This was awarded a merit and was taken from one of the bird hides at Swan Lake on Phillip Island.

The remaining topics for the year include “man made timber structure in monochrome” and “sports action.” I have accumulated plenty of possibilities for the first topic, but expect to struggle for the second. However, I have an idea or two for posed minifigs.

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