OSDC 2005: Day 3

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005 at 08:44pm

On this third day of the Open Source Developers’ Conference 2005 that everyone was getting a bit tired.

Today’s highlights:

  • Learning Haskell (Tang, Autrijus)
    This morning Autrijus followed on from his talk yesterday about the Perl 6 implementation in Haskell by explaining the fundamentals of the language. It is scary how much my head is hurting by those academics and their declarative language. Thesis papers as documentation…
  • Lightning talks
    As yesterday the lightning talks session was a must see. One of the talks was allowed, even encouraged, to exceed the five minute limit as it was very insightful about how we (ie Australians) should negotiate with Americans (the talk was from an American now working over here…).

(I may add to this very short list in the next couple of days after I recover and also digest all the new information…)

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